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About Olbas

Noses. They have a hard life sometimes. They get blocked and bunged up with winter colds and attacked by summer hay fever. Noses large and small suffer congestion, sneezes and snuffles, and get rubbed raw by hankies. And when noses are miserable, it’s no fun for anyone!

Luckily, Olbas products are always on hand to help noses big and small find relief, wherever and whenever they need it.

What makes Olbas so effective?

Olbas comes from a brilliant idea from mother nature. Olbas Oil is a special mixture of pure plant oils, with ingredients including clove oil, eucalyptus, juniper berry and cajuput. It’s the combination of these natural ingredients which releases those famously soothing and relieving natural vapours. It’s the power of nature - for noses.



Olbas’ soothing vapours are surprisingly versatile

  • Add the recommended dose of Olbas Oil to hot water and leave it to release its powerful decongestant vapours in your room overnight. For little noses, there’s a gentler formulation – Olbas for Children.

  • When you're feeling achy, try massaging in a few drops of Olbas Oil for soothing relief.

  • Enjoy portable but powerful Olbas vapours with Olbas Inhaler and Olbas Nasal Spray– handy blocked nose relief, on the go!



Olbas during pregnancy and breast-feeding

It is best not to take any non-essential medication when pregnant or breast-feeding. It is recommended that women who are pregnant or breast-feeding seek the advice of their doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine.

Always read the label.

We’d love to know what you think about Olbas. Complete our feedback form.


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